For the sake of future reference, I'm going to share this 'comment', rather than a regular race report on the Centurion Running Chiltern Wonderland 50 mile ultra-marathon.
Typing this several months after the event I can't remember a single outstanding moment. I loved some of the big hills, but otherwise I couldn't tell you much about the route or describe any of the trails or how they made me feel.
Overall, I'm definitely glad I did it and if friends were doing it in the future I would to, but I'm happy enough to leave it as a one-off event.
I wouldn't do it again
There, I said it. Centurion can't please everyone, even though their organisation, support and community really are fabulous. I just simply couldn't get on with this run. I've run parts of the route before and it wasn't overly difficult, even though the elevation is quite a lot more than their other 50 milers. No, for me it was the constant twist and turns. I never seemed to be going in one direction for all that long before I had to change course. I also found that there was a lot more road than I'd have liked, though I admit that may just have been because the last few miles were on tarmac and seemed to go on forever.Typing this several months after the event I can't remember a single outstanding moment. I loved some of the big hills, but otherwise I couldn't tell you much about the route or describe any of the trails or how they made me feel.
Overall, I'm definitely glad I did it and if friends were doing it in the future I would to, but I'm happy enough to leave it as a one-off event.
All photo credits to Stuart March Photography.