Friday, 20 April 2018

My running events for 2018

More so that I remember what I've got planned, here are my running events for the year
  1. South Downs Way 50 - April 7
  2. North Downs Way 50 (Annual favourite) - May 19
  3. Devon Area of Natural Beauty Marathon - June 24
  4. The (last ever!) Picnic Marathon - July 1
  5. North Downs Way 100 (Volunteering) - August 4 / 5
  6. Chiltern Wonderland 50 - September 15
  7. Wendover Woods 50 - November 17
Just need something for October and December, and I'm all set.

Centurion Running South Downs Way 50 2018 ultra-marathon race report

I'm ill. I've been ill for several months and I'm bored of being ill. It's nothing serious, but it's enough to keep me from training and being more prepared for an event such as this.

I was lucky to get in a few long runs before the event and some regular enough shorter runs too, but overall I fell far below the expectation I had of wanting to run the SDW 50 faster than I had before. Far below.

In fact, this years SDW 50 is the slowest I've run a 50 (except for the understandably slow Wendover Woods 50). My fastest time for the SDW is 09:40, but I finished in 10:46! That's a 10% difference.

However, I'm upbeat and not too fussed. I had high hopes for some fast times at the SDW and NDW, the latter of which is only 4 weeks away, but alas, if I push hard and get frustrated it'll only end in tears.

I've got lots to be thankful for

  • I had a chance to run with my friends Justin "Jimmy" Bateman and Ilsuk "Train" Han
  • I also was able to run with someone new, Rich "Calvin' " Goulder
  • I haven't been 'free' running outside for so long in such a long time
  • I was so thankful for the toilet at the last checkpoint, though I'm quite sure it wasn't reciprocated
  • I had expected to really struggle, but I didn't
  • I recovered within a day
So here's to some good training runs for the NDW50, not letting an illness get the best of you and the friends, new and old, that make events like these worthwhile.

Rich, aka - Calvin' - Goulder, and me at the finish

Justin 'Jimmy' Bateman, always ready to dance

All smiles with a pooch nearby

Less smiles when one of us was trumping

Why didn't anyone tell me arm warmers with a vest is a no-no?
Garmin data for the nerds.