Thursday, 18 October 2012

Breakfast of champions

80% of potential weight loss is your diet

The rest is the production of muscle to increase your metabolic rate and burn whatever it is that you eat. Pretty simple I guess.

I read in an Outdoor Fitness article recently about a good breakfast. They couldn't find one off the shelf, but they did have a suggestion of making your own breakfasts. Here's the meal that they suggested.

It's light enough for before a workout, but flexible enough that you can add more for a post-workout meal.


  • Oats 56g
  • Whey protein 15g
  • Chia seeds 3g
  • Flax seeds 3g
  • Almonds 3g
  • Cocoa nibs 2g
  • Dried blueberries 8g
  • Honey 8g
  • Cinnamon 1g
The above equates to (for 100g):
  • 20g of protein
  • 50g of carbs
  • 11g of fat

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

New training programme: achieving the awesome

The horse stance (not me)
My personal trainer and good friend in no uncertain words said that if I continue along my current training path I will achieve more, but I will never reach my potential.

Strong words, but readily understood and now accepted.

I've spent so much time abusing my body by not stretching that it's affected my posture and my ability to complete even the most basic of moves. For example, I always thought I was good at squats, but even a simple front squat is near impossible for me to complete in perfect form because my hip flexors are so tight. When I tried the same technique with the use of a swiss ball against a wall I felt like I was going to fall forward.

Clearly things need to change and that thing is me.

This does mean that my 5k goal might not happen or I may not complete my ultra marathon this year, but if I change now for the better it means next years goal will be easier to attain.

Here's some of the exercises I need to be performing over the next month:

  • Cable rotations
  • Planks
  • Side planks with rotations
  • Horse stacnce oppostive palm and knee raises

Hip flexors

  • Raised reverse lunge (front foot is high)
  • Stretch hip flexors, lots


  • Lat pull downs
  • Side shoulder raises

  • Take 15 minutes every day to stretch
There's still more exercises to come, but for once I'm not ready to attempt them. Feels odd.