Tuesday 5 October 2021

10 things I learned from bar to 100KG squat with StrongLifts

I'm a wuss when it comes to the Winter, which means far less running or cycling and much more time in the gym. Generally, Winter is a time for weight training, plenty of core and leg work, and to keep the fat down enough that I can start training again in Spring for the Summer running events.

This year however, I wanted to try something else. Enter StrongLifts. A 5x5 weight-lifting program that's easy to follow, uses an app to walk you through the exercises and weights, and then tracks your progress. Plus it then plans our your next workout automatically too.

For someone who works from home, and is always busy, the reduced effort required to decide on my work out is a real benefit.

10 things I learned that might help you

  1. I didn't need to start from just the bar, and...

  2. I should have had a workout session to see what my 1 rep max was for each exercise and then worked from 60 - 70% of that

  3. I got to focus on technique all of the time, and you won't get a better chance to get a great technique perfect when you move to heavier weights...

  4. … So use the warm-up sets to get ready for heavy lifts, and get the technique right

  5. I removed my ego and marked myself down as not finishing a set. This should be a personal challenge for progress, not a bragging rights ego-boost

  6. I don't recommend immediately adding extra exercises, unless you've got a lot of time, and plenty of time for recovery. I did and ended up rushing between sets so I could get it all done in a lunch break

  7. Plank, or any exercise time limit is 95 seconds. I've asked for it to be extended...

  8. …Which shows the Owner / Dev is very open to feedback, twice I've asked for changes and he / they have been very responsive

  9. It's entirely fine, and encouraged, to have breaks - I'm aiming for 4-6 weeks of work, then a week rest...

  10. And once you've had a rest, de-load your weights (reduce your weight) because you will lose some strength during that break
I'm now into my second Winter with StrongLifts and looking forward to the strength and physical aesthetic gains if helps to deliver.

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